Public Service, and Health Care
One of the things about being in health care, is that sometimes we are too close to the center, and cannot see the forest for the trees. Another problem is when we get defensive about our own part of it. What I want to focus on is that there was a general public WILLINGNESS to get to universal national healthcare. It got subverted by the insurance industry. But the WILL to do real national healthcare is probably actually coming forward more, now that we have some evidence of what it can do, even in this imperfect system where the pharmaceutical industry is outside of the running of the thing, and the insurers take a lot of money out of the system to give to stock-holders on Wall Street.
If we are serious about healthcare we should be able to marshal the whole country, including all the parts of healthcare, to the goal of "the common good". We had another good indicator when the Mental Health bill passed, with bipartisan support. People with mentally ill relatives really worked to help get that bill through congress. We need vastly improved services for the mentally ill, and the truth is that it is part of healthcare, and should not be run mainly by the jails and the criminal justice system.
If patients, nurses, doctors, and families all come together, we should be able to pass universal healthcare. What we need is to stick together, not to have side-deals and back-room carve-outs. We also need to remind ourselves that the TAXPAYERS are footing the bill, and we owe it to ourselves as taxpayers, to have the most streamlined and most effective system, the biggest bang for the buck.
We who are on Medicare have been paying into the system with wages earned and taxes taken out of our earnings, all our working lives. Social Security likewise is something we have PAID into, out of our earnings. It is NOT an entitlement, as some of the congressional representatives have made it out to be. It is solvent, but it will be more solvent beyond 2028 if we raise the cap so that upper income earners also pay into it.
The truth about the Health Savings Accounts is that no one has that much discretionary income. An ambulance ride is over a thousand dollars, and the visit to the ER might be between 5-10k. Women have a 1/5 chance of miscarriage and hemorrhage, and need access to hospitals. Hospital stays are usually greater than 10k/day.
Pregnancy and childbirth are a big expense. In California, about 50% of childbirth is being paid for by Medi-Cal, which is Medicaid for our state.
Family Planning is an important piece of the puzzle of healthcare. No one wants to see schoolgirls pregnant. We want people to get an education. We also want parents to have skills and maturity in dealing with the difficulties of childrearing. Family planning needs to be part of healthcare, and it needs to be covered so that people with no discretionary income can get it, and not get pregnant until they are ready. There are many kinds of family planning and we need to give women access to care, so that the one that fits them best is available to them.
Screening and public health programs are really important. Our public health departments respond when an outbreak of meningitis or flu, or any epidemic occurs; like AIDS, Syphilis, Swine flu, diseases which can wipe out whole populations. They try to teach and show people many ways of preventive health and self-care and maintenance tools. This is becoming even more important as more Americans are obese, sedentary, and have diabetes and heart disease.
One of the lesser pieces of the puzzle is that doctors need to be well-paid so that they can stay ethical and devoted to the healthcare of patients. When doctors go bankrupt, or commit suicide, or the business fails, we lose valuable expertise. When doctors can't make enough money to own a house or have a family, there is something really wrong. Many of our doctors now are coming out of training with immense debt, which means they can't live the next part of their working lives in a good frame of mind, with generosity and compassion.
Just like the people who are coming out of college with massive debt, doctors will end up choosing to do something which pays enough to be allowed to have the life they want, instead of choosing to serve in underserved areas or in populations at risk. In my generation, many doctors dedicated themselves to care for AIDS patients, because we came from an idealistic framework. John F. Kennedy said "Do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Many doctors, like me, joined the Peace Corps, or Vista, or went to an underserved community in order to "give back" and to "pay it forward".
We all need to work together, as a country, to get to real healthcare reform. We need to push through the obfuscation and resistance. We need to stick to the main ideas, and "hold hands as we cross the street".
This is the greatest nation on earth, and we can do it, but we have to work together. We have to have the vision and determination to bring it to fulfillment. When FDR passed the big reforms which allowed us to begin to have social buffers, it was watching the faces in the pool with him at his Polio rehabilitation place in Warm Springs GA which gave him the pleasure and joy of being of true service. Watch the film clips, and you will see it.
We need to have what the ACA promised; a program which would not kick you off when you got sick, would not eliminate you for pre-existing conditions, would cover you through the beginning of young adulthood and hopefully employed and covered by insurance in your employment. We need family planning without co-pays, and we need bargaining power for medications so patients can afford to take them and stay as healthy as possible. We need a FEDERAL program, not block grants to states. We need federal money to cover the costs for the program. It should be evenly distributed from sea to shining sea. Prudent financial sense means we also should get the best deal we can for ourselves as taxpayers. Oversight by federal administration has to be built-in, with accountability and transparency.
Congress should be working to get funding for this universal national healthcare. When taxpayers see accountability and transparency, and funding well-spent, although we may grumble, we will pay the taxes.
Many of us are Christians. Today in church we were singing a song, which brought in that line from Jesus, quoted in the gospel of St. Matthew; "whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Me." Our nation was built on that consciousness of the call to be servants to each other, to be friends to each other.
We must be committed to service to the common good, to the care for the poor, the elderly, the children, the vulnerable.
Our Constitution says "in order to provide for the general welfare... and to care for the common good". These are the foundational values in support of national universal healthcare. Every other developed country on earth has managed to get there, and we should get there too!
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1 comment:
Right on - Sister... I loved what you wrote. I think one of the major hurdles we face is changing the minds of a vast numbers of people who have been influenced by the deluge of lies and negative propaganda about National Healthcare systems. People seem to be irrationally afraid of anything that might be viewed as socialist. They seem to think that anything remotely socialist is right next to Communism, and then all they see is big men in fur hats with lines of tanks and guns, all pointed at us! We have got to get away from this position of fear and misunderstanding. A socialist system simply means a social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. A little redistribution of wealth to make life a little more fair, would really help this country as a whole. The lies about "Death Lists" and "Endless Waiting Lists" in other country's National Healthcare Systems are circulated by certain media organizations whose main goal seems to be the slavish adherence to the status quo. We, as a nation, have to be smarter than that. The truth of the matter is that access to healthcare is a right, and should be a public service, not another profit making venture. If you take the profit out, healthcare becomes amazingly affordable. The whole mindset has to change. The Medical Insurance Companies with their bloodsucking shareholders have to go. All this suffering has to stop. We must stop being afraid of real change - As FDR said "All we have to fear, is fear itself". Our Founding Fathers were incredibly brave and triumphed over an oppressive, tyrannical system, so that we could live free. However, it is impossible to be truly free if we are living in constant fear of getting sick or hurt, and then being crippled with debt as a result. A good National Healthcare System gives strength and power back to the people. It should raise us up, not drag us down. We should all benefit from it - rather than suffering for it - while the greedy shareholders hoard up their dividends.
Thank you and best of luck...
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