Saturday, May 9, 2009

Staying home when sick

Dear friends,
The CDC is sending daily updates on the Flu epidemic, and they recommend we tell people to STAY HOME WHEN SICK, FOR 7 DAYS.
I love this advice. I love the whole reasonable approach to isolation, and urging people to take it on themselves to protect society at large from their germs, their potential threat. We have all these frenzied people multitasking, driving themselves crazy, and overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, and a bunch of talking heads who have no wisdom with tongues wagging on and on; and someone said most people watch 8 hours a day of television. I can't even fathom that. So, I love the simplicity and clarity of the advice, stay home.
I would like to add my favorite new advice. Get the most comfortable chair in your house and put it in a sunny spot in your living room, and sit in it for 10 minutes every morning. You can close your eyes, or drink a cup of tea, but just sit down in the sunshine, and breathe. If you are moved by this to try doing it for 10 minutes in the afternoon, even better. Drop your blood pressure and your cortisol. Take care of yourself. Be tender to yourself. Nurture yourself. Take a warm bath. Do not listen to any more thought-police and fearmongers.
Speaking of police, I just read that San Jose's police dept. is considering putting in place a program which already exists in SF and Palo Alto. They will turn the jail into a de facto drying out center, where all the drunks and drug addicts can clear up their heads, and then be released without charges. This will allow them to go on with their lives, and reduce the costs and criminal justice mess. (This only applies to the problem of drunkenness, not any other crime committed while intoxicated). It will protect the public safety, their primary goal. If they get a certain number of arrests for drunkenness in a 6-month period, they will be formally charged. So there is some built-in follow-up and encouragement to get sober.
The other joyful news I heard this week is that 18,000 people came to Madison Square Garden to hear Pete Seeger on his 90th birthday, sing "This land is your land". What a wonderful thing! God bless America!

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